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Advertise With Us

There are (3) 180x150 button advertising spaces on MaineCreates.com. The ad spaces run down the left column. The ad spaces are 6 month sponsorship ads.

WebSite Visitor and Pageviews Report: as of Nov 1, 2009, Urchin 5
6,265 sessions (total visitors per month).
81,199 pageviews per month (total web pages viewed).

If you are interested in inquiring about an ad space at MaineCreates.com, please contact Matt Zito at [email protected]

Stat Source*

Urchin 5

Calculation Methodology
A 'Session' is defined as a series of clicks on your site by an individual visitor during a specific period of time. A Session is initiated when the visitor arrives at your site, and it ends when the browser is closed or there is a period of inactivity.

A 'Pageview' is defined as a request from a visitor's browser for a displayable web page, generally an HTML file. Urchin's configuration controls which file extensions are treated as Pageviews. In general, images and other embedded content, such as style sheets and javascript, are not considered to be Pageviews.